Become an Angel.

Donations may be made in the honor of another two or four-legged friend.

Your donation may be earmarked for a specific project or fund. 

View AWEF Projects and Funds


Donate Online

Make a secure tax-deductable donation online.


Rewards and Premiums

Make a tax-deductable donation at the $20, $30, $40, $50, $100 level and get a premium select gift.

Droopy and Perky Mousepad
Kids Did It Cookie Bookie Cookbook
Scaredy Cat Morphing Mug
Scaredy Cat Doggie T Shirt

All Four Gifts

Mousepad - Cookbook, Morphing Mug, Dog T Shirt Gift Package

$20 Level

Droopy & Perky


$30 Level


Cookie Bookie

$40 Level


Morphing Mug

$50 Level


Dog T-shirt

$100 Level

All these gifts!


Donate Via Mail or Phone

Donations should be sent and payable to:

Animal Welfare Education Funds,

P.O. Box 197,

Shandon, CA. 93461-0197.

Please include  your name and address. If this is a gift in someone else's honor, include their name and address. Please signify which Fund you would like to allocate the donation.

You will be mailed a receipt. If this is a gift or in memoriam, a card will be sent.


Estate or Trusts

Give a gift that will last forever. Make a difference that will continue beyond your time her . Please contact us personally to arrange for the donation of an estate or trust to AWEF. 805-237-2067

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